08 July 2008

Twin Cities photos posted

About four miles and into the narrows of Paria Canyon early this April I ran into another hiker. It was at a time I was beginning to realize then that 1) it had been years since I’d gone backpacking alone 2) my fitness level was lacking, and I was already tired—amounting to a sort of low grade hysteria that I was going to have for the next four days--so I was glad to see another face. We ran into each other later that day and then again the next, but the interesting thing was that this fellow, Kevin Venator from St. Louis, is the creator of a website, http://www.americaswonderlands.com, that I’d used in planning that trip. He’s also working on a stock library of city images (http://www.gigastock.com), so after returning home, I contacted him and submitted a mass of Twin Cities photos, which are now posted:

Thanks, Kevin!

