07 August 2009

Mountain Biking

I've been doing a fair amount of mountain biking over the last couple weeks. The raft in the photo is along the Minnesota River Bottoms trail, and was taken last fall. While riding the same trail last weekend I rode up onto a large pile of logs, and as I began rumbling down the other side veered too far askance and tumbled over me handlebars. For an instant I thought a good deal of pain was soon to be, but I landed softly on my back. The only damage was a bent brake lever.

There are some fun trails around, one in particular has a teeter-toter (Lebanon Hills). I'd never seen such a thing for a bike, but rode up the grounded end anyway, thinking, this is easy. At the top, a few feet off the ground, I paused, beginning to grow concerned until the toter teetered and I was back on the ground.